Haven't had much time to post stuff but here's a broken angel done on AmBrOsE...THANQ
cute love tattoo of a cUpId hOlDiNg a hEaRt did it last ngt !!! “ ritesh had gotten a tattoo with an ex’s gf name, said worst mistake of his life waited four years and was finally able to get it covered..
A sImPlE FrEeHaNd fOnT WIH a sEmI heArt, hAd A gReAt TiMe WoRkInG wItH APPORVA. thnq
Fun tattoo done yesterday on Dj ricky DiScO HeAdpHoNeS
Healed snap of a 3d gun tattoo... hAnDs Up!!
lakshmi narsimha swamy sPeNt NeArLy 4HrS ,sRy fOr BaD pIc
lord shiva
TrIlOcAnA....beautiful rose
RR Rosary vt "H" letter